
Mostrando las entradas de enero, 2022

Hábitos Perdurables / Enduring Habits

Enduring Habits   A good practice to achieve our New Year´s resolutions is to have a follow up methodology to become them in Enduring Habits , and not just another list we will repeat next year. There are several theories and techniques about the implementation of habits, whose focus is usually on the person, however, if we focus instead on the system we use, the results could be different. James Clear, in his book "Atomic Habits", describes a very useful technique for this purpose, which consists of making our habits Obvious, Attractive, Easy and Satisfying, working on a continuous improvement little by little, such as the Deming cycle. The phrase "the sum of small changes brings remarkable results" is totally true, and precisely the Enduring Habits are the consequence of a small constant improvements, which are transformed into a positive habit that in the long term becomes part of our lifestyle. May your resolutions become Enduring Habits ! Hábitos P