
Mostrando las entradas de septiembre, 2022

Vivir con Intencionalidad / Intentional Living

Intentional Living   Throughout our lives we achieve many of the goals we set for ourselves and we begin to enjoy individual success that brings many personal and professional satisfactions, however, there comes a point along the way, which has nothing to do with how old are you, but rather with the context of each one of us, where you realize that it is time to refocus your purpose to allow a greater impact, to Intentional Living , and that is how success becomes collective. Part of this new approach is also because we understand the importance of giving back to life all that we have received, and we transform receiving into giving, we start thinking about how to Intentional Living , is adding value to those around us. In the words of the well-known writer and speaker John Maxwell, leadership becomes transcendent because it is about how to serve others in an intentional way , and this becomes a lifestyle, in which we make that commitment with ourselves to take advantage of all